
Dream, Target, Life... 梦想, 目标, 人生...

What was life? This is the first time i really felt confuse about life... Is it possible a human can live without dream? Did animals have any dreams? Maybe human really can live without dream... but i think he or she will be very up sad in their life.

Did dream really can come true? When? Where? How? I believe no one of the human will know their future, except God was allowed to know. Human cant always just dream, dream until they say life is just like a dream. Yup, life is just like a dream if you dint take any action on it... Life, was not a drama; Life was not just a dream. Human are really live on the earth. I believe everyone have a dream, but please don't take it just a dream. Go! go and achieve it. Make your dream come true. Just give yourself a chance to try, and don't say "No" before you say "yes". Make a positive thinking, start enjoy the world and your special life... If your life don't have any target. Please just take this as your target: "Make my everyday be meaningful"

"Dream" is a journey of life, "Target" is a direction to achieve your dream and "Life" is control on your hand, you can make decide how was your life going to... You have a chance to choose: I enjoy my everyday or I have to live one more day...

Make a disquisition before it too late... ^^



烦躁... 对!最近就是有点烦躁!!! 尤其是公司里面的三八老姑死肥婆。每天在公司里头噼里啪啦的冷嘲暗讽,我已经beh tahan啦!死肥婆!我忍你很久了咯!我那个上司也是的,都不明白为什么要忍她... 我已经忍够了!不要再来烦我了!不要真的以为自己很厉害一下咯... 最好不要让我发飙咯... 要我说难听的话不是每个人都接受得了的咯... 啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 我!要!报!仇!!!

另外,刚进了安利也是不容易得咯... 我要去哪里找生意呢?我要用钱啊!!!好想要个要好的朋友,可是哪里找呢?女朋友... 我也想要啊!可是她已经有爱的人了,我又能怎样呢?我真的很想追到她啊...


我又不能一次过要完所有的东西,可是怎样呢?这样会很贪心吗?可是我不觉得咧!这是每个人都想要的啊!好想快点谈成大众书局的生意哦!!!谈成了的话,我又可以借公司的车用了... 有可以省下一笔费用了... 我又可以出去找生意了... 而且又有新的酬劳了... 更重要的是我又可以驾车到处走认识新朋友... 不用整天绑死在那个笨蛋办公室里,对着那些不知丑又波大没脑的三八婆... 出到去的话,我又有更多的时间和机会做AMWAY了... 然后我又有钱了... (好像在“发钱寒”似的)